Tired of Apartment Living?

When homes become available in Dunlop Village, you do need to move quickly. If your search comes up with zero homes available, please feel free to check back with us often for new listings, or contact us our to find out more about any new homes that may be available soon.

Dunlop Village sells new and pre-owned homes. Pre-owned homes are regularly and thoroughly inspected and renovated with new siding, eaves, skirting and windows. The insides have new or updated kitchen cabinets and offer two and three bedroom models. You will love the maintenance free flooring, new lighting and modern appliances in these manufactured homes. All homes have a separate laundry area with washer and dryer hook ups.

Visit us and you will see why residents love this simple living in the city.

Easy Financing Promotion

In-House Financing and Rental Conversion Programs NOW AVAILABLE.

We are pleased to announce that Cove Homes - Canada is now offering easy access home financing for Dunlop Village Pre-Owned Homes.

Also new, a Rental Conversion Program to assist renters with a down payment to purchase their rental home or any Cove Pre-Owned Home.

Call us TODAY or contact us at info@CoveCommunities.com for all the details and find out how easily and quickly you can own a home!

If no homes are featured, please call the office for details on any homes that may be coming available soon.


from the blog

  • A Destination of Delight at Dunlop Village

  • First Stop: Calgary Village on Your All-Encompassing Tour

  • Lloydminster Village Straddles the Line: Discover the Only Canadian Border Town

  • Doing it Right at Dunlop Village